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Leaves through the windshield on the way home in the Shenandoa Valley |
As we began the 2 day trek to Charlotte on Tuesday morning, I was looking forward to home, seeing the kids, granddaughters and neighbors, my own bed,. As I was out walking early in the morning, I ran into Alan our English friend! They had been in this park for 3 days! We swapped stories, and realized we’ve been in the same RV parks but on slightly different days for the past week. They too went up the cog train, but unfortunately a day or 2 before us when the weather was still bad. They had fun comparing an American York to their English York and visiting Plymouth. They hope to go into Boston today after turning in their rented RV and before their evening flight. I told them about the Freedom Trail, Boston Commons, and Quincy Market and we part ways again.
As we settled into I-95, we began to look for a place in Pennsylvania to stop for the night. After figuring out we’d be near Jonestown, PA, I found a Good Sam Park in Lickdale and called the Kuklentz. They were actually near there and we agreed to meet up that night. I was really looking forward to some good bridge, with good friends! They planned on exploring Amish country until we arrive in camp. Tuesday night Deb was not disappointed! We played bridge including a small slam made by the guys to edge the gals out by 20 points and we grilled steak and enjoyed the Amish desserts the Kuklentz had found. We opened the pinot we got at “Bet the Farm” winery and it was pretty wimpy, especially compared to the zin Dick shared with us! Hope the others we bought prove to be better!!
Wednesday we caravanned with the Kuklentz to the Shenandoah Valley where we stayed at the Shenandoah Good Sam campground in Vernona, home of the friendly rabbits. Really! There were dozens of them scampering all about generally harassing every other 4 legged furry creature campers brought into the park. It rained all day but we made good time and enjoyed playing bridge again Wednesday night. Fortunately the rain let up enough for Dave to build his last fire and grill sausages we got in Canada. We pooled together our food again and both commented that we eat better when traveling in tandem with friends.
On Thursday, as I write this, we are again in rain, but a call to Mollie assures us that the weather is due to improve in Charlotte as the day and weekend stretches before us. For those of you envying our trip, some of the prettiest leaves we’ve seen have been in the Shenandoah Valley closer to Charlotte. Dave has talked to the office several times, and I talked to my sister who returned from a dream trip to Africa yesterday. We are making the switch to being Charlotte based.
This will probably be my last post until we gear up to go again early next year… We are talking about somewhere warm in January or February, and definitely going out West next spring. We’ve already gotten out the Atlas and began highlighting places we want to visit… like Oklahoma City and Bartlesville in OK, the Grand Canyon’s new cantilever, Idaho, and Montana…. I think we will need to narrow the list a little, but that is the fun of it. Any suggestions?
Here are a few lists we have generated in the last few days:
Observations about our trip I haven’t reported yet….
· Yankees are surely frugal… they even recycle the names of their towns. Almost each town would have multiple entries on the maps and GPS… Conway, Cownay Township, North Conway, Upper Conway, Lower Conway, South Conway… OK.. I’m exaggerating but usually there would be at least 3!! LOL
· I wonder if a Southern Drawl is as annoying to them as the nasal twang is to us… lol
· Hurricanes not only cause terrible flooding and damage, but mess up the leaf color!
· We either needed another week, or tried to do too much in too short of a time. It would be nice to stay in a place, not move and really explore an area in more detail.
· Is RV’ing better than traveling and staying hotels? Advantages are it is cheaper if you don’t count the original cost of the RV (Dave did the math), you don’t have to pack and unpack clothes, etc., you can fix your own meals and snacks, Dave gets to “tinker”, Jack gets to come with us, but he probably thinks that is a disadvantage, lol, lots of room to store stuff we buy (is this good?) can’t have a campfire or grill a steak over open coals in a hotel room (or shouldn’t!!), we get to take the segways,… talking to folks over a campfire is more fun than talking in the hall or restaurant…..disadvantages…. packing up and moving the RV can be time consuming and a hassle, (tho it gets faster and faster!), the walk to the shower can be cold if you don’t use the one on board (this involves moving Jack’s box and only 5 minutes of hot water), we’d like to meet up with friends more easily and more often.
· KOA and Good Sam Parks are like any franchise. You know pretty much what you will be getting. KOA is more like a McDonalds and Good Sam more like Applebees. KOA tends to pack the sites closer together. They both generally have nice facilities. Private parks are a crap shoot. They can be awesome, like the one we had in Montreal or primitive, like the one we had near Luray. State parks in New England just weren’t an option. Either they closed before we were there, or they didn’t have good hook ups. Hopefully we will be able to stay in State or National Parks more when we head west.
· Yankee roads are awful. Is it the freeze/thaw? Or budget cuts?
· The weather really affects the quality of your experience. Rain and cloudy weather is not good for camping (muddy, yuck!) or one’s disposition. We really were lucky in that the rain never really kept us from doing anything; but it did keep us from having the optimal experience.
· A mouse in the bathroom won’t keep me from going in… but it will discourage taking a shower!
· When you first start off you explore all of the chotski shops, but they soon get monotonous and you get more selective! Though glass art and pottery continue lure me in.
Things we like/work well | |
· The foot rest on the passenger seat! LOL…It keeps Deb’s short legs from dangling and is really comfortable. · The Trailer Life Directory is an essential resource along with the computer! · All of Dave’s technology, even though it sometimes frustrates Deb sometimes. · Meeting interesting people, even those we conclude we don’t like · The new rope lights we bought for the awning. They attach really easily with the clothespins I packed and give us just the right amount of light to eat by or welcome us back to camp. · The walkie/talkies work great when we are backing up the RV or are “closely separated”. But Dave is getting so good at maneuvering the RV we need them less and less! They also work great when riding in tandem with the Kuklentz. · Having the truck with us… gives us a lot more mobility. · The antennae works great and we are usually able to get as much TV as we need · Dave reports that NUVI or Myrtle would get an A, but only gets a B after his Boston fiasco! · Having 3 different ways to access the internet has kept us connected, though it was sometimes frustrating to figure out which one to use when. RV park internet can be really flaky!! · The whole RV really worked well. We have a list of things to do to enhance it, but they are really minor in the scheme of things. |
Frustrations to work on… |
· Most of the light switches require a stool for Deb to reach them! How can we work on this? High heesl in the RV? Dave says he “Ain’t lowering the switches.” · My “come play bridge sign” hasn’t worked… but then we haven’t stayed in camp long enough! · The lock sticks for me and not for Dave! · We need to figure out a way to latch the cabinet in the bathroom better, something routinely falls out when we take off. · We get enough TV channels because we don’t watch it much (which is a good thing) but it is a pain to program the tvs every time. |
For the next trip… to do/ get list |
· New tires, align front end, service engine · Explore/price air shocks · Dedicate a 12 volt system in the cab for the computer, nuvi, phones, MiFi… etc. ; work on cord management · Get a better radio/cd player – we need a better one both in the bedroom and in the cab; maybe a portable one we can move · Fix the clock · Fix the lock · Perhaps put a piece of molding by the stairs to keep things from shifting · Work on cabinets and sticky drawers · More wine glasses, I broke 3!! · Replace stair treads · Explore cushioning the rollers on the slides to protect the floor · Redesign the console for neater, more convenient storage and cord management · Install a magazine rack to coral all of our reading material · Get a expandable folder for maps and attraction info we want to keep |